Remind Tutoring
frequently asked questions

New to Remind Tutoring? Below are answers to the most frequently asked questions.

Session details

What subjects does Remind Tutoring cover?
How does Remind Tutoring work?
How should I prepare for my child’s first session?
What device do I need?
How can I be involved as a parent?
How is progress measured?
Is our tutoring 1-on-1 or with a group?

Who our tutors are

Who are Remind tutors?
What does Remind look for in a tutor?
Can I choose which tutor to work with, and will we get the same tutor each session?
Will my tutor just give my child the answers in the session?
What is included in your background checks for tutors?

Scheduling and availability

What is the availability for Remind Tutoring sessions?
How long and frequent are Remind Tutoring sessions?
How do I schedule tutoring sessions?
When can I schedule future sessions?
How do I cancel or skip a tutoring session?

Pricing & billing

How much is a tutoring session? Are tutoring sessions charged per hour?
What plans or scheduling options do you offer?
Can I extend my session past 40 minutes?
How will I be billed?

Try Remind Tutoring for $40/session

Satisfaction guaranteed. Cancel any time.
Try Remind Tutoring
If you are not satisfied after your initial session, let us know what happened and your session will be fully refunded.